Sunday, July 29, 2012

"Bucket List" Book Club: Week 1 of Pride and Prejudice: Chapters 1 - 3

Wednesday, August 1st - Tuesday, August 7th will be the official first week for the Carol Jones Writing Center's "Bucket List" Book Club!  As previously decided, the first book will be Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Pride and Prejudice consists of 61 relatively short chapters.  The first week we will be reading chapters 1 - 3. At this rate, we should be done by the end of the fall semester, and it should be easy for everyone to read and respond in their spare time.

Once you have read or as you are reading, please post your comments under THIS post.  This will help us keep our comments organized by week.

Again, please click on the comment box below, and then on"subscribe by email".  For each new week, you will need to subscribe to the new weeks post.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The CJWC Bucket List Book Club!

How the "Bucket List" Book Club was born:

One of our tutors, suggested that we start a book club of sorts, one that hits on the great classics--a collective reading and discussion group that will delve into each book and get into the nitty gritty.  As the idea of this literary bucket list started to circulate the writing center, we have decided to try and make an official college try.  Instead of it being closed to those who know us, or just tutors, we want to invite everyone around the world and back to join in and read along with us.  

How you can join the "Bucket List" Book Club?

If you would like to join, please submit your email in the box labeled follow by email located in the upper right hand side of this blog.  Once you enter the captcha and verify your email, you will receive updates on every new post. 

However, if you would like to follow a specific post's conversation, you will need to click on the comment box and then on the subscribe by email. 

I recommend doing both!  Comments will be placed on weekly posts.  When each new post comes out, please subscribe to it via the comment box.

When will the "Bucket List" Book Club begin?

Pride and Prejudice is scheduled to start on August 1st, 2012!!!
Sign up to receive email updates from our blog today!
We are starting our first book reading August 1st, 2012! 

The first book will be Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.  Procure your copy now, subscribe to receive email comments on this blog, and get ready to start reading! 

Due to the fact that a lot of us are students, parents, or working more than one job, we will be reading this fairly slow--one to two chapters a week.  Anyone and everyone should be able to keep up and contribute. 

This is not an exclusive club--we want to hear from everyone! 

You can read this book online or download it to an e-reader at Project Gutenberg for free!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Welcome to the Carol Jones Writing Center Blog!

We help people negotiate the process of solving problems through the act of writing.

What is the Carol Jones Writing Center?

Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC) offers its students and the surrounding community free tutoring services through the Carol Jones Writing Center. We help all people of all skill levels improve their writing. From brainstorming ideas to learning how to cite properly, we will help you with any step of the writing process.

Does it work?

The numbers do not lie. Students who use our services regularly are less likely to drop out of their classes and are more likely to have higher grade point averages.

How do I schedule a face-to-face appointment?

You can schedule an appointment by calling (417) 447 - 8235.  You can also schedule an appointment in person.

We are located in IC 200, right above the library and just down the hall from the cashier.

Our hours:

  • Fall/Spring Semesters: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
  • Summer Semester: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
We highly recommend scheduling appointments; however, we are happy to take walk-in appointments, depending on availability.
What should I bring to my appointment?

In order to take full advantage of your one-hour tutorial, please try to be on time and prepared to work. We ask that you bring your assignment sheet if your instructor has supplied one. We have computers, a printer, guidebooks, dictionaries, thesauruses and other resource material available for your use while you are here--oh, and free coffee, just in case you need a pick me up.

What if coming to campus is difficult?

In addition to face-to-face tutorials, we also offer online tutorials. In the online environment, you will share your desktop and work directly with a tutor just like a face-to-face tutorial.

How do I schedule an online tutoring session?

Online tutorials must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance by calling (417) 447- 8235.

How should I prepare for my online appointment?

After you schedule your appointment, we will email you important instructions on how to access the online classroom. Please be sure to read the instructions carefully, and prepare your computer by running the setup wizard in advance. We recommend that you have a headset or be able to talk on the telephone in order to communicate easily with your tutor. However, this is not required.

I still have questions, whom can I call for help (besides Ghostbusters)?

If you still have questions about our service please feel free to call us at (417) 447 - 8235, or stop by and ask us in person.

We are happy help! While you are here, feel free to stay a while; we have a cozy sitting area, computers for studying and free coffee! It is a great place to hang out or study!