Sunday, July 29, 2012

"Bucket List" Book Club: Week 1 of Pride and Prejudice: Chapters 1 - 3

Wednesday, August 1st - Tuesday, August 7th will be the official first week for the Carol Jones Writing Center's "Bucket List" Book Club!  As previously decided, the first book will be Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

Pride and Prejudice consists of 61 relatively short chapters.  The first week we will be reading chapters 1 - 3. At this rate, we should be done by the end of the fall semester, and it should be easy for everyone to read and respond in their spare time.

Once you have read or as you are reading, please post your comments under THIS post.  This will help us keep our comments organized by week.

Again, please click on the comment box below, and then on"subscribe by email".  For each new week, you will need to subscribe to the new weeks post.

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